玉田 友美枝 Yumie Tamada

1946年 兵庫県生まれ
1962年 毎日新聞社主催第8回全日本学生油絵コンクール高校の部入賞
1966年 日本横断スケッチ展を沖縄の琉球新報社で開催
1975年 ウイーンに渡欧 遊学2年間

1999年 欧美国際公募美術賞展 入選多数
2000年 JIAS日本国際美術家協会会員となる
2003年 イタリア美術賞展入選後、脱退 現在無所属
「旅がらす」玉田友美枝著 発行
2020年 「旅がらす」下巻 玉田友美枝著 発行
現在 上海風月舎画廊、NY Caelum Gallery等で活躍中


1946 Born in Hyogo
1962 Part winning prize of the eighth all-Japan student oil painting contest Senior High School hosted by Mainichi Shimbun
1966 Held a crossing sketching exhibition in Japan in Ryukyu Shimpo Newspaper of Okinawa
1975 Visited Europe in Vienna and studied far away from my home for two years Afterward, private exhibition eight times

1999 A lot of European art international open call for participants Art Direction Award exhibition case choice
2000 Became a member of association of JIAS Japanese international artist
2003 After Italian Art Direction Award exhibition case choice, I withdraw Independent now
“Wanderer” written by Yumie Tamada Publication
2020 “Wanderer” Lower volume written by Yumie Tamada Publication
Present day  Being active at Shanghai Fugetsusha Gallery and NY Caelum Gallery

Massage from Yumie Tamada
I was troubled by circumstances and wandered a job from place to place on continuing painting and was the life with many failures.
However, I realize that after all it is to continue drawing a picture to have supported me each time.

貴方はさかな / You are a fish
油彩 oil painting
318mm × 410mm

ミゾレフグ / Guineafowl puffer
油彩 oil painting
318mm × 410mm

ヤエヤマギンボ / Yellowtail fang blenny
油彩 oil painting
318mm × 410mm

アオサハギ / Japanese inflator filefish
油彩 oil painting
318mm × 410mm

深海の魚 / Deep-sea fish
油彩 oil painting
318mm × 410mm

ハギの一種 / Kind of the bush clover
油彩 oil painting
318mm × 410mm


The time that goes by in nature. The work feels the life which moves in a Lively motion of the life in it.
That makes them find the daily spice we often overlook, and it’s made the sense to wander in the sea.
The mysterious expression of the abundant life and a refreshing color tone sense attract the person who sees and don’t stop.

アラレフグ / Blue-spotted puffer
油彩 oil painting
455mm × 530mm

黄色いフグ / Yellow globefish
油彩 oil painting
455mm × 530mm

泳ぐフグ / The globefish which swims
油彩 oil painting
455mm × 530mm

夢みるさかな / The fish which dreams
油彩 oil painting
455mm × 530mm

泳ぐさかな / The fish which swims
油彩 oil painting
455mm × 530mm

ハゼA / Goby A
油彩 oil painting
455mm × 530mm
